17 January 2013

Andrew Cuomo's Patriarchal Bargain

Recently, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo put forth a legislative package, the Women's Equality Act, which includes bills designed to ensure equal pay for equal work, prevent gender-based discrimination in housing and lending, and eliminate human trafficking.  Good news so far, but the package also includes the Reproductive Health Act, which essentially aims to make abortion as legal as a haircut in New York.  Actually, that's not quite fair.  People are still expected to pay for their own haircuts.

When does human life begin?

Recently, we saw our President and Vice-President moved to tears a short time after the senseless massacre of 27 people, 20 of them children, in Newtown, CT.  It is certainly a relief to see that this manner of tragedy is abhorrent to America despite how often they seem to occur.  Without the intention to pass judgement on anyone, I will point out that Planned Parenthood alone destroyed 333,964 unborn children in 2011.  That's an average of more than 900 per day.  This illogical contrast is not lost on the organizers of the March or Life either.

Some say that human life does not begin at conception.  To which I say, "When does human life begin?"  A fertilized egg is alive by any biological criteria, and if a fertilized egg is not human, it has to be something else. What is a human egg that has been fertilized by a human sperm?  Certainly not a lizard.

Abortion is unhealthy

Congressman Diane Black (R-TN) recently reintroduced Mike Pence's bill, the Title X Abortion Provider Prohibition Act (H.R. 217).  Black, a former nurse, stated, "Planned Parenthood's blatant misuse of taxpayer dollars to fund its big abortion business is an attack on life and women's health.  It must be stopped."

Here's an abbreviated list of known health risks to the mother from afterabortion.org.  Note that this does not include known psychological risks.

  • Cancer of the cervix, ovaries, and liver
  • Uterine perforation
  • Cervical lacerations
  • Handicapped newborns in later pregnancies
  • Pelvic inflammatory disease
  • Death

This is what we offer to women who are concerned that they can't support a child, continue their careers, or finish school.  Congratulations, women of America!  We have got your back.

Patriarchal bargains

The term patriarchal bargain was coined in 1988 by Deniz Kandiyoti.  According to Lisa Wade of http://thesocietypages.org, "A patriarchal bargain is a decision to accept gender rules that disadvantage women in exchange for whatever power one can wrest from the system.  It is an individual strategy designed to manipulate the system to one's best advantage, but one that leaves the system itself intact."  Wade concludes that a successful patriarchal bargain is what made Kim Kardashian famous.

We live in a world where abortion-on-demand is considered a necessity for women to participate fully in American society.  Think about this.  A woman who wishes to realize her dreams in America can't do so as long as there is a possibility that she might become pregnant.  And the solution is not to change American culture-- think maternity leave, anti-discrimination laws, etc.-- but to ensure a legal right to contraception and abortion.

Here's the difference.  Our society tells men that women are objects to be used and disposed of as they see fit.  It's rather obvious to me that young men are getting this message loud and clear.  Consider the response to Anita Sarkeesian's Kickstarter campaign to create a video series documenting sexist portrayals of women in video games.  *Warning: There is strong and vile printed language briefly shown in this video.

As a man and presumably a member of the patriarchy, I am embarrassed that men in government are willing to run for public office not only on the backs of unborn children, but also with their feet on the head of every woman of child-bearing age.  Simply put, if women cannot fully participate in society without access to abortion on demand, the solution is not to pass out abortions like candy.  The solution is to rewrite the rules of participation in society.

Back to politics

According to WGRZ TV, Independent Democratic Conference Leader Jeffrey Klein is of the opinion that 'abortion is a defining issue for Democrats-- if you're not pro-choice, you're not a Democrat.'  Good to know.  I'll be sure to pass that along to Democrats for Life of America.

However, Klein has one thing right.  Abortion is most definitely one of the defining issues of our time in that it trumps a host of other issues.  In the Voter's Guide for Serious Catholics, abortion is at the top of a list of five non-negotiable items.  There is a hierarchy of political issues, and some things take priority over all others as far as Christian social values are concerned.  I've had this discussion with people quite close to me.  Think about it this way.  If a candidate or party planned to legislate an American system of apartheid, would you care about their foreign policy plan?

A few questions

Finally, I will pose a few questions.  If an unborn child is the property of his or her mother, then that unborn child can be disposed of at will.  Is there not a logical connection between this and a husband owning his wife?

Are the legislators of New York going to impose Gov. Cuomo's patriarchal bargain on citizens?  More importantly, will same said citizens demand true equality for women in education, the workplace, and government?

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